Which gas line does the filter go on?

I installed a new fuel filter on my blower, now it wont run. I could not tell whether the fuel filter should be on the small/large tubing in that it had previously become unattached to the tubing. Does the filter go on the large/small tubing?



Hi John,

The gas filter should go on the small line only. The small line is the gas suction line from the tank supplying the engine. The large line is the gas return line from the engine back to the tank. Essentially the purpose of the gas filter is to protect the engine from particles and settlement coming from your gas tank, hence why it is attached to the small line. For an easy to use guide on replacing these gas lines and filter please see our how to guide below:




Where can I buy a Weedeater

I can’t find a phone number to call anyone or find it online to buy my daddy a new weedeater… he is very specific and wants a Feather Lite Weedeater with straight edge, uses gas, a fixed line (no tap or bump kind) and I can’t find anywhere to buy one!!! Help me please!!



Hi Tanya,

You can purchase weedeaters from the link below, for a gas straight shaft fixed line I would suggest the W25SFX: http://www.weedeaterfeatherlite.com/purchase-models



Carburetor Adjustment Tool for SST25C

Do you carry a carburator adjustment tool for a weedeater featherlite model sst25c?



Hi Robert,

Sure please see our common parts range at parts list link below:




Replacement for FL25c Curved Shaft Trimmer

Where can I purchase a FL25C Gas Trimmer, or similar model with a curved shaft and tap and go trimmer head. Your website, and my google search show it is not available. I have one and I want to buy one for a lady friend. Also interested in a Featherlite gas blower, so I would like purchase info on that also.




Hi John,

The FL25C model has been discontinued by Weedeater. They do offer a similar curved shaft model W25CFK which can be purchased and viewed at link here. Thanks Jack

Electric Start for my XT200

I own a xt200 and it does a great job for me. I am in my 70’s and recently had severe shoulder problems and have trouble pull starting any, of my non electric start, gas powered tools. Do you have or recommend an electric starter that I can use to start my XT200.
I see that Troybilt offers an electric starter for their gas powered equipment.



Hi Sonny,

Thanks for your email. I am not affiliated or a representative of the weedeater brand I am just an ordinary guy with an interest in weed eaters who started a website to try and help people out.

I can say that the weedeaters like your XT200 do not have the facility to accept an electric start like troybit.

Sorry I could not be of any furthur help.


What is the Gas Mixture for my FL1500 Gas Blower

Please tell me the gas mixture for my Weedeater Featherlite FL1500 gas leaf blower.



Hi Jack,

Your gas/oil mixture is 40:1 according to the manual. Make sure the oil is specifically for 2-cycle air cooled engines.




Where Can I Buy Replacement Cartridges for My SST25

Owning 1 of your products has worked out really well for until the last 3 months, I have not been unable to buy cartridges for my featherlite sst25. Can you help?



Hi Benard,

Your replacement cartridge (Trimmer line head) can be purchased online here.




Does W25SBK Use the Same Spool and Trimmer as SST25

Will the W25SBK take the same spool and trimmer line as the SST25. It looks like the W25SBK model has superceded the SST25. I hope that I get a reply. Thank you for your help, time and information!! Have a Great Day!!



Hi Randy,

Unfortunately no. The SST25 used a fixed line spool. The W25SBK uses a tap n’ go feed system. However the W25SFK uses a fixed line system similar to SST25.




WCC60 Shrub Clipper Replacement Battery

I have a weedeater shrub clipper 6vdc model wcc60 . I need a new battery part #700228 can you help?



Hi Doug,

Unfortunately the WCC60 Weedeater shrub clipper parts have been discontinued.



Where can I buy a FL20 Weedeater Featherlike

I cant seem to purchase your FL20 weedeater anywhere Have tried buying on your site on the purchase models page and it doesn’t have a buy button also checked major retail stores My wife loves this model please help.



Hi Steve,

Unfortunately weedeater have discontinued the FL20 model. However they have developed a lightweight replacement know as the W25CFK that only weights 9 pounds.



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  • How To Replace Broken Fuel Lines
  • How To Adjust the Carburetor
  • How To Overhaul your Carburetor
  • Weed Eater will not stay running
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