FL 26 Starting problem
FL 26 Starting problem
From: Trent
I was given a FL 26 from a friend. They told me they used it about
10 times and the pull cord came out and would not retract. I fixed
the pullcord, but now the weedeater will not start. I have replaced
the sparkplug. Any other suggestions on how to get it started?
Hello Trent
The issue could be the following:
Put the trimmer flat and push the primer bulb on motor half a dozen times. Push the choke switch to “FULL” and hold down the throttle. Pull the starter cord half a dozen times. After this adjust choke to “HALF” if the engine sounds as if it’s starting but stalls, move the choke to “RUN” after the engine has been turning over for a more than about 10 seconds.
From here if the FL26 still does not start you may have a flooded carburettor. To clear a flooded carburettor put the trimmer flat. Push the choke switch to “RUN” and pull the cord a few times to clear excess gas. Excess gas will clear after a few pulls of the cord. This will be longer if flooding is more. When excess gas is cleared hold the throttle and pull the cord.
If this does not fix the issue then you have a problem with your carburetor and it will need adjusting.