Weedeater Featherlite – 2 Year Walmart Replacement Plan
I bought a featherlite xtream gas trimmer from walmart with a 2 year replacement plan on 03/20/2013. they told me to contact yall about a piece that has come part/broke off? because af90 days they have nothing to do with it..
product: Featherlite xtream
Model:FX26SCE 16″/25cc
Serial Number:12094N301555
When I went to start the weedeater i pumped the gas bobble/Bowl and it popped off with the spring under it and a pin and washer fell out from under the gas tank? how do i replace it(since i did buy the 2 year repalcement plan) since walmart told me to get a hold of you?
Hi Samantha,
Our site weedeaterfeatherlite.com is not an official website for the Weed Eater brand. Please try their main website. If you need any tips fixing your weedeater please drop me an email.