Weedeater Featherlite Gas-Oil Mixtures

All of my Poulan weed trimmers & blowers take a 40:1 fuel-oil mix. Sometimes it takes awhile to start them if they sat for 6 months or longer. I use fuel stabilizer & carb cleaner designed for 2 cycle engines (3/4-1oz. per gal. of gas). Would you recommend a 50:1 fuel-oil mix for easier starting & if so, will the thinner mixture cause more wear & possible seizing of the piston in the cyl?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Greg,

In short, no. The engine needs the oil particularly when starting after a lengthy lay up period. You are right, a 50:1 fuel-oil mix will increase wear and reduce the life of your trimmer. To be honest 2-stroke engines laid up for 6-months will always be harder to start regardless of the fuel-oil mix. You could either start your weedeaters a couple of times during your lay up period or persevere when starting your trimmers at the beginning of spring. 4-Stokes do perform better when laid up over the winter when compared to 2-strokes.



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